Jimmy Ofisia
23 Oct, 2018

Woorbel certifies its bearings promoting quality

Following its philosophy of constant improvement, Woorbel decided to go one step further. This time, the company focused its efforts on certifying the quality of its products, so that, by carrying out different tests, the bearings can be standardized in corrosion and durability, a procedure that very few companies are currently doing.

One of the tests carried out was the "Accelerated corrosion test in neutral salt fog chamber". Thanks to this test, Woorbel anodized bearings can be said to meet the most demanding specifications of resistance to corrosion grade 5 with 480 hours exposure in salt spray, according to the UNE-EN 1670:2007 and UNE -EN 1670: 2007/AC:2008 regulations.

With this certification, Woorbel reaffirms that the use of its bearings will not cause corrosion problems under adverse weather conditions and that they are especially indicated to resist in highly corrosive environments.

Regarding the results of the tests of "Test of Durability of 25,000 cycles" and "Test of Static Resistance" according to the standard UNE-EN 13126-15:2008, sections 7.2.1 and 7.4.1 respectively, we can affirm that the products that have passed these tests, have obtained a highly satisfactory result. The simple bearings of series 10, 15 and 20 have been approved with loads of 150 kg and in the case of double bearings, with loads of 250 kg. The products of the series 30 have obtained a certification of 100 kg, while those of the series 35 have obtained one of 150 kg.


Type of bearing   
Certified weight
Applus certified
 10  Simple 150 kg  17/14926-1595S
15 and 20     Simple 150 kg    17/14926-1595S
 Tandem 250 kg      17/14926-1596S
 30  Simple 100 kg     17/14926-1593S
 35  Tandem 150 kg     17/14926-1594S


These tests were carried out during 2018 by Applus laboratories, and their results encourage us to continue analysing and developing new products that help us improve our specialties in sliding enclosures with upper, lower and folding guides. Because a firm foundation is the basis to build a large building.
